The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to tectonic shifts in international relations. On 9 March 2023, Jörg Kukies, Secretary of State at the German Federal Chancellery discussed the effort to tackle the challenges raised or intensified by this war of aggression with us. The event was hosted by Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs, with moderation by Arancha González Laya, Dean of Sciences Po PSIA and introduction by Johannes Lindner, Director of the Jacques Delors Centre.
Jörg Kukies is the personal representative of Chancellor Olaf Scholz to the G7/G20 summits. He is one of the Chancellor’s closest advisors and is coordinating three policy fields at the Federal Chancellery: European policy, G7/G20 summits, as well as economic, financial and climate protection policy.
During the event, Kukies spoke on Franco-German relations at the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, cooperation on energy procurement, and strategic defense and military cooperation following the invasion of Ukraine, arguing that France and Germany have had many opportunities for successful cooperation in the last few months and that this cooperation has been crucial to creating European-level policy in a variety of fields.
You can rewatch the entire discussion here: