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10/2023: Spotlight with Garance Pineau

Emmanuel Macron’s vision of European sovereignty emphasises a stronger, more united Europe that can assert its strategic autonomy. But what form should European sovereignty take? Does it mean less global trade and more protectionism? Will all member states agree? And what is the role of EU enlargement in all this?

On 20 October, Garance Pineau, Macron’s distinguished advisor on European affairs, addressed these questions at the Hertie School, shedding light on the steps taken so far to achieve European sovereignty and Macron’s visions for the future. With the promise of European enlargement in the near future, Pineau also discussed the implications of changing EU borders on the question of sovereignty. How can the Union reconcile its goal of an enlarged membership with its vision of a more unified and ambitious future? 

This event is organised by the Jacques Delors Centre and co-hosted by Sciences Po. Johannes Lindner, Co-Director of the Jacques Delors Centre, moderated this 60-minute discussion, with an introduction by Marie Azuelos, Vice President for International Affairs at Sciences Po.

You can rewatch the entire discussion here:


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This Spotlight event is part of the Pariser Platz Dialogue, a series of high-level events bringing together French and German decision-makers for an exchange of ideas throughout the year. The Pariser Platz Dialogue series is kindly supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Fotos: CC Thomas Lobenwein